Christian charismatic house church. Bible based and Spirit Filled


Taste and see that the Lord is Good

Psalm 34:8


Discovery based Bible Study

What to Expect

Church - but probably not as you have experienced it!

We meet in a home. There are only a few of us. We love to eat together and spend time together. Here is our format:

  • We share what we are thankful for, especially what we are thankful to God for (this is an act of our worship)

  • We share what we are struggling with (so we can pray for and prophesy over one another)

  • We ask how we can help with those struggles (this is how we minister to one another)

  • We talk about how we did with our action steps from last time (this is how we are accountable to one another)

  • We read, re-read and retell a Bible story

  • We ask ourselves - what does this teach us about God and about people, including ourselves (we discover together)

  • We consider what we feel led to change after reading the story (this is loving Jesus and following Him in obedience)

  • We decide who we will share this with this week (how we share the good news of Jesus)

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